Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

This is has been filled with everything. A real ying-yang of emotion and I can say that I am glad to see it go. I am looking forward to starting fresh with 2011. Happy New Year to you and yours, may it be filled with everything you hope for.

You never know what's around the corner.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Unsilent Night

On December 20th Cambridge participated in Unsilent Night. I am so proud that our little city takes part in such a cool little art project. There were many art displays around the city, this was one of my favourites.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blue Mountain

We drove up to Blue Mountain as part of my Christmas present. The plan was to take the kids to the tube park while mommy got to pick out a beautiful wool sweater made in Nepal. Insert hot chocolate, outdoor fire pits and dinner in there somewhere. Of course, you know what they say about the best laid plans.

We got lost on the way up thanks to a navigation system that showed a bunch of accessible roads, which were not in fact open in the winter. Coupled with 2 children who had clearly had enough of the long car ride and the ferocious winds howling through the Village, we lasted 2 hours and were on our way home.

I have to say, for families that are not able to ski/snowboard because of little ones, there is very little to do in the Village of Blue Mountain. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. They closed the tube park permanently. The horse drawn carriage rides were not operating and there is NOTHING else to do with children. Maybe next time we'll spend some time downtown Collingwood, any suggestions?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Orchard

I recently learned that apple trees have a shelf life for producing fruit. After several years "working" they must be cut down and new ones planted. If not, the quality of apples will be affected.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Small Bridge

I have been trying for over a year to take a picture of this small stone bridge, with no luck. There's always something off about it. I think I managed to capture it sufficiently in this image and had the fortune of including a lone jogger out for her morning run.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Shoe Tree

Was out and about on one of my famous "get the kids in the car and drive around until they fall asleep" runs when I discovered this lovely shoe tree.

You can read more about this strange phenomenon here.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Rail Trail

Since taking up running, I use a few different apps to keep me on track. One is the Nike+GPS and the other is a Counch to 5K program. The bonus is that I've always got my camera with me.

Change is good

Lately photography has changed for me. I use to have time to go out and dedicate myself to the task. Digital photography is a lot of post production work, as I don't usually shoot straight from the camera. I prefer to create images and generate artwork. With small children running around needing most of my time, I have very little left for me (or should I say photography?).

So i've been experimenting with my iPhone and it's various applications. I find I can still take great images and do all the post production work right there in a few minutes. It sometimes takes a bit in between shots to load/save the data but overall it's been saving me a lot of time and i'm quite happy with the results. It's also a lot simpler for me to maintain images with similar themes or colour casts. This just might help me get organized into having a solo show in 2011. Maybe...
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