Sunday, December 28, 2008

A New Year

I don't believe in New Years resolutions. I'm one of those "rare" folk who thinks you should make changes in your life when they're needed, not once a year only to be broken 3 weeks later because you're too lazy to keep up with things.

Having said that I am making it a goal to take more pictures in 2009. And I should probably drink less wine, but one thing at a time ya know?

Wishing you and yours a wonderful new year. I hope mine is filled with creativity, love, friends and family. 

Hugs & Kisses

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Hope you are all enjoying the holidays and your time off. With all the snow we've been getting we won't be seeing much of Chris this Christmas. I'm hoping that today will be the worst of it and he'll make it home safely in time for me to go to Dave & Noreen's annual xmas eve get-together ;) I haven't seen everyone in months and I'm going through withdrawl (plus I have to pickup 2 handmade Gnarled Branch gifts).

Tomorrow will be spent with the in-law's and Friday with my parents. Hugs & kisses to you all. The above picture was taken in the livingroom with my trusty 1.4 50mm portrait lens.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fishing Village

I spent a blustery afternoon with my parents yesterday, driving around aimlessly so that the baby could get her full nap time. She's just a bit cranky if she doesn't get enough sleep (kind of like me I suppose...) and I don't like tempting fate.

I usually bring the camera along because "Hey you just never know". Turns out the overcast sky and flat beach didn't do much to boost my creative juices. Sometimes I really do think I let the weather dictate too much of my life ;)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

On location - Month 1

Today I spent the afternoon with my photography friends working on material for an exhibit we're planning to show next November. We will be meeting once a month as a group to encourage each other to get out and create. The theme is yet undecided but I'm hoping that as things progress it will develop on it's own.

It's so nice to have a purpose to my work again. Even if I don't get a single shot from the day, I'm happy to have made the effort. Sometimes I have to convince myself to leave the house. Convince myself that I have a smidgeon of talent and that I can pull it off. I suppose all "artists" feel this way at times and it's this exact insecurity that drives them to always do better - to push the boundaries of their art. For me it's enough right now. 

On a side note, I brought out my 4 lens Lomo. I shot 24 frames using expired film that my dad bought me a few years ago. It's been sitting in my fridge just begging to be used and I couldn't think of a better way to crack it open. I'm also enjoying the excitement of the unknown. It's been so long since I've worked with film and I'm not used to having to wait to see the fruits of my labour. Once they are developed I will post - good or bad - I promise.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Town

The house is quiet. The husband is out and the baby is sleeping. I am left here to think about writing and the small town we live in. Here is a picture I took this past summer while on a walk downtown. It's funny, I never really wanted to move here but the more I explore the more I fall a bit more in love.

This is a reminder of warmer days, lemon tea and sunscreen.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Would you believe that I forgot my login information? I guess that's a sign that I should be on here more frequently. Today's photo is a self portrait of low resolution using Mac Photo Booth. I have always wanted to have pink hair, and now I do.

On a side note, I've started writing again. It feels amazing and cathartic and really fucking scary too because I'm allowing myself to be vulnerable. Always a hard thing to do.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Prairies

And here is the obligatory wing shot from my seat as we fly over the prairies into the Rocky Mountains. Or maybe it was the other way around? I can't remember. Seriously one of the most beautiful flights I have ever done.

Monday, November 24, 2008

BC Mountains

In October I spent a few days in British Columbia, the last of which was spent driving from Kelowa to Abbotsford. During the 2.5 hour drive I shot a few pictures from the car as we sped along the highway. The quality isn't there (obviously) but I was so stunned by the view that I couldn't help taking shot after shot. After I'd reviewed them I realized I had very few that I could use because they were either blurry or the focus was on the window and not my intended subject lol.

Let this be a lesson to all who don't pay attention when they should.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Brick Mill

This image was taken at the Elora Gorge one afternoon in October while walking around with 2 of my uncles. They wanted a photo tutorial and I wanted to teach.

Photos are on their way

I good friend of mine recently emailed to say that I need to start posting my photos more regularly. I think he was being kind, as you can see I haven't posted anything in a long time. So i've taken it upon myself to stop making excuses and start working. I can't promise they'll be uploaded on any kind of a regular basis but you will see more of my recent work. I am open to comments, constructive criticism but blatant bashing or rude behaviour will instantly be deleted.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mighty Life List

Here is my Mighty Life List, otherwise referred to as the Bucket List or "things I would like to do before I die". I will continue to add to it as time goes on:

- get published in National Geographic
- write a book
- backpack around Europe
- scuba dive
- travel across Canada on my motorcycle
- stay at the original Ice Hotel
- visit the Great Wall of China
- high tea in London
- own a cottage on the waterfront
- make friends with a stranger
- remove money as a concern
- a solo exhibit downtown TO
- make a float and participate in the Santa Claus parade
- refinish a wooden motor boat
- rebuild a small engine
- live in BC, even if it's not full time

Monday, September 8, 2008

Things I haven't done in a while

This whole thing feels really weird to me but I've decided that I need to do something small just for myself. The baby takes up most of my day and by the end of it there isn't much left of me. I'm so tired. I feel like I lost a part of myself that I can't get back. The house is never as clean as i'd like it to be, there's always some grocery that's missing from the fridge, my hair never looks as good as i'd like it to be and I never seem to have enough TIME. For anyone except the baby.

This is my first attempt at reclaiming a bit of me. Don't laugh okay?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

2008 MVA's

I cannot believe what Katy Perry was wearing during her performance paying homage to Madonna. Did anyone else see her peel that banana off her shoulder?
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